this weekend we had some beautiful weather! well, depending on what you are used to.... anyway it was about 50* and kind of sunny. after a nice walk on the breakwater, we decided it was a perfect day for some outdoors cooking and dining. today there is a lot of snow again. :(
jake is a big fan of burgers, so that is what was on the menu.
my dad has a great burger recipe, but he was out of town so i had to ask my brother how to get started. i mixed just over 1 lb. of ground angus beef with the bottom 1/2 of a hamburger roll that i made into bread crumbs. to that i added one egg, a splash (maybe about 1/4 cup?) of milk, and a tablespoon or so of worcestershire sauce. (the recipe called for some italian-salad-dressing-mix, that stuff that comes in a packet and you mix with oil and vinegar, but i didn't have any)

i gently mixed up all the stuff and made it into 3 patties, compressing just enough to make it stick together. at that point, we realized that the outdoor grill was not going to work, so we used a grill pan. (which i unfortunately neglected to spray and we had some stickage!)
we also had some grilled zucchini and yellow squash, which must have come from somewhere else, because there is not anything growing
here yet. but they were really good, wherever they came from.
in addition to the grilled food, we also had a 1/2 sour pickle from the
deli, some chips and some magic hat #9 (which is one of the only beers

that i like). we also had some unexpected guests - a couple of the neighborhood turkeys. at least the mean one was nowhere to be seen or we would have had to go inside, cause he chases people (and cars) and fights them off!